Well, the wheel of creativity has been turning slowly. Time for the 5,000 word day to save me from doom, which is okay, because I want to practice a few of these anyway, to know that they are possible, and only somewhat miserable. Oh, and I have no idea what I'm going to write this November. That's par. No worries. As I feel like my last endeavor is dragging, because I'm board with the people, and with the predictable conflicts, I'd like to find something closer to the heart, a subject I'm interested in exploring, and I'd like to find some characters that are more quirky. Maybe those faults with my current story are the faults of the author, and not the potential of the story.
This is a good point to talk about accountability. As a writer, as a self-employed writer, you have to hold yourself accountable, or else you can find that you've let a perfectly good month slip away without much productivity. Making achievable goals and recording them goes a long way into keeping on task. Nanowrimo is all about word count accountability.
In other news, I've began writing nightclub reviews for a web site. It's been a fun, and rewarding experience. In the other half of my writing life I'm building my clips, thinking about other articles and how to approach the markets, and trying to stay accountable.