29 September 2005

35,493 wds.

I have slowed down a bit, and now I'm wondering about this upcoming contest. Is it a good exercise for me?

Well, how I feel is that yes, if one is going to be a working writer then they should be able to click out sixteen hundred words a day, and have enough time to revise some other pieces, or click out a few paragraphs of a different story. Plus I must remember, NaNoWriMo is not about quality, but quantity.

Time to push forward and drop a few more pages, crack that 40,000 mark and head into the final stretch. All with a month to spare. I'll be tuned up and ready to go.

21 September 2005

32,386 wds.

I've got that loving feeling.

The days starts to feel awkward if I haven't put some words down, created some momentum, chipped some rock off the 50,000 word stone.

You know, I think it will be all downhill from 35k. The way I see it, once there, a couple of 5,000 word Saturdays will wrap this thing up. With the finish so easily in sight how will I be able to resist sprinting for it? Plus the wheels of creation are turning for the follow up effort.

19 September 2005

30,046 wds.

In a desperate attempt to finish my 50,000 word November novel before this years contest, I've been writing regularly, and climbed to the 30K word mark.

The way I see it, finishing my first novel in a year is a good goal. I'll shoot for the thirty day mark the second time around, this November.

If you have know idea what I'm talking about, visit: http://www.nanowrimo.org Registration just two weeks away.